Jul 4, 2017

3/15/16 over working creates burn out

How I avoid burn out?
How I stay motivated when there's TONS of stuff to do and it feels EXTREMELY overwhelming? 

Well, I'm a pro at putting things off and burning myself out! Thankfully my best learning experiences are in the past. Don't hear what I'm not saying... I'm not perfect nor will I ever be.. I still make some of these same mistakes but not nearly as often, thank God!!!

Burn out on artwork? Here's how! If your working 10+ hours in the studio or working at your side job then working in your art studio all night.... not getting enough sleep... it will surely burn you out in no time, then depression usually comes along & followed by a creators block. 

Once I couldn't bring myself to paint for over a year. That's a long time. The thought of creating made me want to crawl in a hole. No wonder!! I've associated creating with misery (overworking myself to exhaustion). No fun!!! 

Biggest thing is don't work more than 8 hours a day. Doesn't matter if the creativity is flowing. 

Stop at 8 hours promptly. I've tested it recently. If I keep going and not stop after 8 hours and still get a good amount of sleep I still feel mentally exhausted. 

Painting is not just physical there's a lot of thinking involved. Your mind needs to be taken care of, not pushed to the max until you become a Zombie!! 

Some of you will need to stop before 8 hours and some can go a little further but you'll have to pay CLOSE attention to your emotional state 24/7 for a few months. 

I strongly recommend 8 max to start with as a base. I used to paint 10,12,14 hours a day for 1 or more days in a row. The following few days I would be "out of order". It took me a long time till I realized why. 

Since I've cut myself off at about 8 hours or less each day, I don't dred challenging commissions nearly as much. In fact I have more vibrant energy and happiness when I go into the studio. It's a great feeling!! 

A Common Misconception
Everyone thinks you have to work super late hours if your a true artist and be super eccentric. 

I used to think I did my best work late hours of the night-- only! But now... I know, not think, know, I know that it just depends on my routine. If your routine is staying up late and sleeping late... No big deal BUT if that's not your regular routine be very careful of burning out. 

I've changed my sleeping habits recently due to new responsibilities. I get up at 6:30am. Create from about 9/10- 5/6 sometimes as late as 7pm. When I work past my hourly max I kinda turn into a zombie. Have major issues focusing etc. That's how I know that I should have stopped earlier.  

I like to take notes, sometimes write a journal of moods during the day and any other details that might have an effect on my mood. Keeping a journal helps when I fall into a depressed unmotivated rut.  I can go back and read what I did in the past to get out of the previous ruts. 

Disclaimer: This post is not professional advice. If your having depression issues seek professional help. 

5/12/15 Having Fun on Vaca

Beets are allowed on the plane!!

Bought some Maple Cream from this barn! Thought the mural was cool! 

Taking selfies by a wooden bridge!

Saw an awesomely bright house! 

Home sweet home!

Shopping for Mother's Day gifts and playing with everything in the stores! 

Sunset on the porch! 

Gathered dead trees out of the blackberry & raspberry patches. 

Saw Dean! 

Saw how the maple hoses are hooked up to trees. Look closely. 

They empty into this classy container. (Season is over, the bucket was empty)
My mother said it takes 40 gallons of the stuff out of the trees to make 1 gallon of Maple syrup-that sounds crazy, I'll double check my source. 

Went on a hike. 

This shack is considered a "simple shelter". It's a newly built place but super cool. 

On the same trail we found this wire and I challenged myself to walk the tight rope, actually it's thick wire. 

I didn't make it all the way across...

Mom gave me breakfast in Gator colors by mistake. I explained it to her and we giggled. 

We purchased dirt (different brand than what is shown here) to work in the garden that runs alongside the fence. I love moms outfit here. She's so cute!!!

Saw a VERY tiny library. 

Went to an Arts, Plants & Craft Fair

Met this guy! He makes wooden ties! They are cut to be flexible and I have to say... They are absolutely awesome. 

Oooohhhh Please Remove Trash From Lake!!!

Went to The Stanstead Stone Circle in Canada!!

I'm assuming that says "Feed The Bears."

Flower children in Magog, Canada

Did you know there's a Canadian Walmart? It's weird to walk around in it. Almost everything is in French, of course.

Almost every business had white writing on their front windows.  

In the bathroom in Canada. Does it say Employees must wash hands?

Jammin on some banjo. 

Vaca is not over yet! Tomorrow is my free day. Mom said she will do whatever I want to do... What should I do within reason? 

Jul 2, 2015

7/2/15 Is downsizing vans possible for my artwork display booth stuff?

I've rearranged how I pack things in my van in hopes of downsizing significantly and being able to fit it all in. I'm thinking Astro van or smaller. Astro would be perfect size but if it's possible to downsize more then well, I can't cross that off my list of possibilities! The better the gas mileage the more road trips I can take! 

I was thinking of I get a minivan I can make a custom rack uptop or possible get a hightop installed. There's lots of possibilities. I used to carry a very similar setup with a Nissan Maxima same walls and similar tent. I just tied things to the top of my car! 

I took out the seat thing and made a custom flat bed. 

I then saw-zawed the brutal between the trunk & back seat to make my very own custom Nossan Maxima station wagon!!

Check out my make shift roof rack!! 

Anyway. I got the job done.. It took forever to get anywhere with the panels on top. Couldn't go faster than 35 or they would lift from the wind. 

Here is the link to my automobile page if you want to read more about the ridiculousness. 


Jul 1, 2015

7/1/15. Fought a good battle.

I won finally.. in the evening. Fought lethargy, depression, anxiety, anger, impatience, tomorrow might be a new battle. Hopefully I can win tomorrow earlier than today.

Apr 23, 2015

4/23/15 Beautiful inspiring flowers!!

A Crossvine variety called "Tangerine Beauty"

I really love this one!! 

I took all these photographs! 

I really love the color yellow. I'm not sure what this is but may be watermelon?! 

Somehow I've kept this plant alive since 2008!! I was afraid of killing it so I stayed far away from it! It worked! It's still alive AND beautiful. 

I love how the petals have dark pink around the edges! Too cool!! 

Nov 4, 2012

2010 Blast from the past 2007-2010


BLAST from the PAST: 2007 

My first time displaying art at Art Walk Downtown Jacksonville, FL.
I collaborated with 2 other artist friends:   Leah Brown drew the portraits, and Elise Gates, a photographer:  black & white film prints. 
I painted the fire hydrants. Enjoy!

Riverside Arts Market 2010 below.

Ocean Club 2009 below.

where I sold art and the profits went directly towards my future van of my dreams!!

Art Walk 4/4/2010

There I am in front of my paintings in my booth. This picture along with many others is on jacksonville.com check it out. The two buildings you see in the background are actually an interpretation of hurricane Katrina and New Orleans, it just so happens to be two buildings and the trade center was two buildings as well. I was not thinking of those two buildings at the time. I guess I should extend the city a little and make it a city scape.

Notice the goofy smile... and the pretty purple tree painting in the background.. I sold it that night... I miss it... so pretty, so lonely, so intense... to me.

Just scoping out the 
39th Midflorida Mayfaire-by-the-Lake Art Show 2010

A friend and I had to stop at Ihop to get some grub for driving ENERGY....
Looks like a sugar crash... but it is actually 2 pancakes with cheese cake in the middle and strawberries and whip cream on top... Daaaaaang.... what a beauty!

We left at approx. 8am and got there around noon. Martha (my space-ship van) owned the road. No problems what-so-ever. No AC though.. We took our minds off the heat with a little Manowar blasting on Marthas blown speakers... (well they sound blown, they could just be crappy geezer speakers).

When we got there this place was close to the entrance... looked good but they were closed!!
At the art show I saw some of the artists that show at the Riverside Arts Market!! They gave me some pointers on the bigger festivals and professional tents etc. Matt knew a few more venders and introduced me. Everyone I met was super nice, informative and helpful. Very excited about building up to start showing in large venues like this particular venue. There was $28,000 of award money and a Special Purchase Program.

Feeling rather inspired we are headed back to Jax. Matt was taking me to some park place on the way back.. 

We found the park... isn't this tree sweeeeet??

This tree above was right next to this thing below.. it was all fenced in... booo...

Another sweet tree... very old.. it says 2,000 + years... if I remember correctly.

One of its arms below... crazy huh..

Pretty flowers..

Pretty bud thingy....I got sunburnt from driving.. sun was always on my side... oh joy.

5 Points Coffee & Spice June 3rd 2010 First Fridays


5 Points Coffee & Spice
820 Lomax St
Jacksonville, Fl 32204

This is my friend Dave. 

 He was known as my Art Booth Bitch (in the nicest way possible).
He is awesome, practical and considerate. He helps me at Art Walk and at the Riverside Arts Market. He plays guitar and writes. He painted his first painting EVER the other day and it came out really well.

It was a landscape acrylic on canvas 10"x 10" I cant find my image but I will post one soon.

If you see me at a show... you will probably meet Dave. He supports local artists- that's his line!! hehe

Breeds of my Owls...

Hello, I will tell you who I am... I am Darlene Muto aka MutoArt.com

here are the many species of owls that I have invented... some are from photographs but I change the color and shapes just a wittle... to make them fun and unique.

This one was donated to help homeless animals get homed... I just made up that word.
You know if you use a word enough.. it will eventually be put in the dictionary...
This one was a birthday present to my friend Bill.
I sold this guy.
I by a mistake smeared white paint on this green owl, I tried to touch him up... but I used the wrong green paint... I ended up having to paint him black.. It came out better than I thought. I sold him at 5 Points Coffee and Spice co. Great shop on Lomax st. in Riverside.
I sold this guy too... he is so cute.

This is Tara.

This is Elise.

This is Daisy.

This is Dale.

This is Patti.

This is Simon.

This is Marvin.

This is Javier.

This is Oliver.

This is Stacia.
These are all named after either people I am friends with, or restaurant customers or acquaintances,